A few years ago, I found myself in a frustrating cycle:
• 💡 I knew I had value to offer.
• 💬 But I was struggling to connect with the right people.
• 🤔 And, to be honest, my message wasn’t landing the way I thought it would.
It felt like I was constantly talking, but no one was really listening—or at least not the people I wanted to reach.
Then, I discovered a simple principle that changed everything:
👉 People don’t buy the “what.” They buy the “why” and the transformation.
This realization flipped the script on how I approached my business. Instead of focusing on selling my services, I shifted my strategy to connect with my audience on a deeper level. Here’s what I did:
1. Spoke directly to the problem my audience faces.
I stopped explaining what I do and instead zeroed in on the frustrations, challenges, and roadblocks my ideal clients were experiencing.
2. Painted a clear picture of life after the solution.
I began to describe, in vivid detail, the transformation they could expect—the results they’d achieve and how it would feel to get there.
3. Shared how I guide people through that transformation.
I reframed my services as a pathway to a solution rather than just a list of tasks or deliverables.
The results?
This small shift didn’t just help me attract more clients—it helped me attract the right clients. The ones I’m excited to work with. The ones who see the value in what I do and get the most out of my services.
Is Your Message Landing Flat? Ask Yourself These Questions
If you feel like your message isn’t connecting with your audience, take a moment to reflect:
• Are you too focused on what you do instead of the result your clients are craving?
• Are you connecting with their emotions, frustrations, and goals?
• Are you clearly showing them what’s possible and how you can help them achieve it?
When you speak directly to your audience’s why and the transformation they’re seeking, you create a deeper connection—and that’s what drives action.
Share Your “Aha” Moment
I’d love to hear from you! What’s been your biggest realization or breakthrough in connecting with your audience? Drop a comment below—I’m excited to learn from your experience!